Case Studies

Read more about how we’ve spent the last 20+ Years helping B2B Enterprise SaaS companies of all sizes to grow in ANZ (and beyond) through sustained, strategic GTM strategies.

Case Studies

From 1 to 11 People in APAC

The Client

For 5 years we took a fledgling Enterprise SaaS company from the US from 1 employee in Australia and less than $250k in revenues to a team of 11 across APAC generating over $10M in revenue annually.


The Client’s Expectations

Our client had tried and failed to launch in Australia with their early investments deciding to leave to pursue other opportunities. This client came to us for help to stand up their APAC team, focused primarily in Australia and steadily grow both revenues and people to what is now a highly performant, successful team.

Our Solution

This was a very hands on assignment as I took responsibility for leading the organisation in APAC over this 5 year period. Our efforts were focused on customer led growth, followed by incremental investments as the revenue lines allowed. 

The Results

5 Years later this business is still highly succesful, filled with amazing and talented team members and has grown from 1 to 11 people and greater than $10M in annual revenues. Today, the estimated value of the APAC team to the overall valuation of this business would be in the area of $100M.

From 0 to 1 in ANZ

The Client

A 30+ year old UK based SaaS company had created amazing success at home in the UK and Ireland but had never ventured internationally.

The Client’s Expectations

This mature Enterprise SaaS company had created a very successful model in the UK and wanted to expand internationally. With Australia being a similar market to the UK in many respects their thoughts were to expand here first by investing in their inaugural international employee.

Our Solution

Building the case for investing in a new region takes careful consideration and long term planning. We worked with the client to build a robust GTM strategy from TAM/SAM/SOM analysis through to Partner/Channel strategies and an associated marketing plan to support the success of this new venture.

The Results

In the first 6 months, our client grew their pipeline in ANZ by more than $3M, and kickstarted their regional presence with a hyper targeted GTM strategy that maximised their vertically differentiated product suite.

Technical Founder looking to scale

The Client

A young, exciting Enterprise SaaS company with great technical founders wanted to expand into the Australian market before launching further in to APAC.

The Clients Expectations

Armed with world-class, innovative technology this technical founder and his team were ready to take it to the market, the only problem is that they didn’t know where to start.

Our Solution

We started by really understanding their technology and the problems it solved for their target market. By taking a deep dive into their solution and the challenges faced by the industry they served we were able to help them across the full spectrum of GTM strategy. From investing in headcount, to ICP analysis and target market identifcation and through to key tasks such as website creation and lead generation funnel building.

The Results

This organisation went from a well kept secret to a well known, up and coming startup in the APAC landscape. Today they serve customers in multiple countries around APAC and have a strong brand awareness within their target ICP.

1100% Increase in Lead Flow

The Client

This enterprise SaaS company works with some of the world’s leading organizations. As a global SaaS company, they sell to companies all over the world and wanted to invest in SEO and Digital Marketing to increase customer awareness and drive leads to their sales team.


The Client’s Expectations

Our client had very little experience in SEO and digital marketing and wanted to drive a consistent flow of leads that would enable the sales force to meet their sales targets.

Our Solution

Our team started by spending some time to properly understand their complex business. Once a strategy was agreed upon we helped update their website and social profiles and embarked on a series of Paid Advertising campaigns primarily using LinkedIn and Google Ads.

The Results

Our website, SEO and Paid Advertising services helped them increase their lead flow by a whopping 1100% with over 600 additional leads in the first 6 months of the year.

$1.65M In New Pipeline

The Client

A growing software startup in the Australian market needed some help to kickstart its sales pipeline.

The Client’s Expectations

A young, exciting tech startup needed to grow its pipeline and improve brand awareness. The client only had a small team who were super busy and needed a partner who could take care of the website and SEO to support their growth.


Our Solution

Although it was a highly technical space the SEO Partners team took the time to learn about their business before coming up with a digital marketing strategy. We used a combination of website funnels, organic SEO and paid advertising to drive leads.


The Results

In the first 9 months, our client grew their pipeline to $1.65m, a 64x return on investment and kickstarted their local and international sales.

From 6 to 106 Keywords on Google

The Client

This enterprise SaaS company needed to invest in Organic SEO to improve its visibility in major search engines such as Google.


The Clients Expectations

After 5+ years in business, this customer was already ranking for some keyword terms but was typically too low to drive any traffic. The client wanted to improve their rankings in order to attract more organic traffic from their target customers.

Our Solution

We started with a full review of their current Organic Traffic performance and SEO. We identified the keyword to target and optimised the website accordingly whilst also writing content to strengthen their Domain Authority.


The Results

In less than 8 months their site went from 6 to 106 keywords ranking in the top 3. Today they rank in the top 10 for 140+ keywords and organic traffic is up more than 200%

people surfing on body of water during daytime

About Us

We’ve spent the past 20+ years helping B2B SaaS companies grow across Asia Pacific, primarily here in Australia & New Zealand.

We know what it takes to build and scale a business by winning new clients, building partnerships, expanding existing customers and creating awareness and demand through strategic marketing.

We will help you shortcut your planning efforts and accelerate your journey to a highly valuable regional office.

Contact Us

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Go ahead and submit your details and a member of the team will call you as soon as possible to schedule a time.